
Web Designer

A picture of Seyi

Seyi's Wiki

Oluwaseyi Tejumade is a web creator and designer that resides in a suburb of Nigeria’s capital helping small businesses figure out how they can take advantage of the digital economy. He works with different tools and technologies from Webflow to Zapier to writing custom CSS.

But what he has discovered overtime is that most people don't want a website and the hassle that comes with it, the problems with Google search and ranking, constant bug fixes etcetera. Ideally, you set up a website to get “traffic”, email leads, get paid for your digital products but more often than not it never really happens the way we envision it.

So if you would like to work with Seyi today and take advantage of what the web has to offer with slight improvements to your current website or even a new build, maybe just a chat about alternatives that might not need a full on website, just book a call below and you can get started.

Selected Work

A banner showing a hijabi girl and some text that reads "Faiza's portfolio"
Web Design & Webflow Development

Faiza's Portfolio

Myself and Faiza sat in a restaurant on a hot June afternoon when she just said in passing about wanting a portfolio. A month later and we came up with this really pink minimalistic website where she can show off some of her work(she is still hoarding it), people can connect with her and maybe in the future, she begins to write and document on her journey to becoming a data engineer.

A banner that reads Oluwaseyi's Personal website.
Web Design & Webflow Development

My Website

My website is a weird love hate relationship that has spanned a 20 month period of constant revisionism that has led up to this point. All through the process there have been some valuable lessons, a lot of it technical/design related but there is also a feeling of pride in owning my first web real estate, where I get to share some of my thoughts on my blog asides just displaying work.

Web Design & Webflow Development


A huge part of my life has always been tied to my faith. And there are people who go through life without a religious anchor and they get on just fine but I personally don't think I can. This year, I created a website template that will help churches and religious organizations get in touch with more people who seek out a community to help them have a better understanding and relationship with God.

Web Design & Webflow Development

Comfort Clinic

A clinic located just a few miles from the city of Lagos, needed a website but I had not gotten a handle on Webflow and I had to go with the tried and trusted WordPress at the time with all the sketchy themes and plugins. And WordPress did inadvertently lead me to Webflow and for that I am grateful but ultimately it was not the answer. I have now completely redesigned it with Webflow.

A slider arrow that shifts the slider back to the left
A slider arrow that shifts the slider back to the right